Understanding Clairaudience
Table Of Content
- Have you been hearing voices or sounds that no one else around you seems to hear? Do you wonder if you are sick? Chances are that you might be clairaudient.
- Understanding Clairaudience
- Signs of Being Clairvoyant
- Ringing or High-Pitched Sounds
- Auditory Learner
- Extreme Inspiration
- Advice Giver
- Talking to Yourself
- Hearing Things
- Sensitive to Sounds
- Imaginary Friends
- You Like Quiet
- Clairaudience or Mental Disorder?
- Clairaudient Messages
- Your Own Voice
- Spiritual Voices
- Strange Sounds
- Warnings
- Developing Your Clairaudient Gifts
- Listening
- Ask
- Open Your Throat Chakra
- Meditation
- One of the best ways to develop any psychic gift that you have is through meditation. This allows you to calm your mind and strengthen your gifts. Try to meditate by listening to music or listening to word meditations. Also, make sure that you take time to do some silent meditation that can help to calm you. Find which meditation works best for you.
- Understanding Spiritual Hearing
- Schizophrenia and Clairaudience
- Hearing Whispering
- Clairaudient Abilities
- Clairaudience and Mental Disorders
- Clairaudient Psychics
- Clairaudient Psychic Gift
- Are You Clairaudient?
- Final Thoughts
Have you been hearing voices or sounds that no one else around you seems to hear? Do you wonder if you are sick? Chances are that you might be clairaudient.
Clairaudience is a French word that means “clear” and “hearing.” This is one of the clair psychic gifts and it is someone who is able to hear voices or sounds from the spiritual world. This is someone who is sensitive and able to communicate beyond saying words. As you keep reading, you will understand what clairvoyance is, and you will see the signs of someone who has this gift. If you’re one of those people, this article will also tell you how to use this gift and how to develop it.
Understanding Clairaudience
Clairaudience is a psychic gift that is like the other clair gifts of clairvoyance, clairalience, clairgustance, and more. This is a gift that means you can hear beyond the physical world and into the spiritual world. Clairaudience is a psychic gift that allows you to hear and get information from the spiritual world through hearing. This information can come in different ways, and it can make you feel that you have gone crazy if you don’t realize what is happening. You might be someone who hears sounds, phrases, words, names, or even music. As your clairaudient gifts start, you might hear ringing in your ears or popping noises. Then you might out of nowhere start hearing voices. The voices that you hear will sound different than the voices you hear normally, and they might sound like they are inside of your head or talking right next to you. The voice might sound like someone familiar to you like someone that has passed to the other side. If you have the clairaudient gift, chances are you speak and communicate clearly. This is one reason you are able to speak, hear, and share messages that you get from the spiritual world. This is a gift that helps you to understand things if you are a psychic reader. You might be great at using tarot cards, angel cards, oracle cards, or other tools.
Signs of Being Clairvoyant
Ringing or High-Pitched Sounds
Some people will hear ringing or high-pitched sounds when a spirit is close to them. This is the spirit trying to communicate with you. You might also hear popping or buzzing in your years. These sounds are normally fast to come and fast to leave. There are no real medical reasons why these things happen, and if they only come and go, then it probably means that you are clairaudient and nothing else is wrong.
Auditory Learner
Another sign that you might be clairvoyant is if you learn through auditory ways. Maybe you like to listen to a book instead of reading it, or you can retain information by learning it through song. These are people who normally love to listen to lectures or even podcasts to learn new things.
Extreme Inspiration
Most clairaudient people are very inspirational, and they get inspired by ideas. These ideas will come to you and will make you feel joy, and will happen when you least expect it. As you get these ideas, your vibrations will rise, and you will relax and find peace. These are moments when the spirits are helping you to have some new ideas to help yourself or others.
Advice Giver
Are you someone who likes to give other people advice? Do you feel that people can be better because of something that you say? Maybe you are already a counselor or a therapist? These things can be a sign that you’re clairaudient because you can give valuable advice to other people. This advice might come to you from the spiritual world to guide you in helping others. Sometimes, these people even hear the advice directly from the spirits. This is why the advice that you give is accurate to what someone is going through that you’re helping.
Talking to Yourself
Many people that have clairaudience talk to themselves when they are stressed out. If you have conversations in your head often, chances are that you are talking to the spiritual world so that it can guide you to the truth. This is more than just criticizing yourself, this is guidance that is good and positive.
Hearing Things
Do you ever hear someone talking or hear someone walking, but no one else hears it? If you do, this can be spirits around you. This can be something as simple as hearing your name being said or hearing music playing. This is a big sign you might be clairaudient.
Sensitive to Sounds
People who are clairaudient are usually sensitive to sounds. They are also people who always have a song inside of themselves. These people are sensitive to music, and they love it. If music is part of your life, chances are that you might be clairaudient. There are times that you can even hear music playing inside of you, and you can write it down and make a song without hearing it out loud. If you find yourself seeing images of song lyrics or music, this is another sign that you might have the gift of clairaudience. You might even be able to interpret energy. There might be times when you hear music when none is playing, and this is because you are hearing this music internally.
Imaginary Friends
There are many people that have the clair gifts that have imaginary friends. Maybe you had one when you were a child. This was probably your spirit guide or your angels that you were actually able to see and not something imaginary. If you talked to these imaginary friends when you were younger, chances are that you were developing your clair gifts even as a child.
You Like Quiet
Even though you hear a lot of things, you might be someone who likes to be quiet. You might be sensitive to sounds around you, and this can be emotional, physical, or even spiritual. This can make you feel tired and irritated at times. When you are always hearing things, you might be someone that is misunderstood because people don’t realize how much this noise affects you. This is why it’s essential for clairaudient’s to have time each day to be quiet. Try noise-canceling headphones if you need them.
Clairaudience or Mental Disorder?
Clairaudience is a gift, but some people find it challenging. Some people feel that hearing voices or sounds can be frustrating or scary, especially when you don’t expect it to come. These are people who might have a hard time dealing with noisy places, and they might even think that they have a mental disorder. It is important to know the difference between clairaudience and a mental disorder. When you have a mental disorder, it means that you are leaving reality and going to a different place of awareness, and this doesn’t happen with your clairaudience gifts. This is a gift that keeps you in the present. If you are clairaudient, you need to accept the gift and learn the value of it without it upsetting you or bothering you. You can use it to help yourself and others.
Clairaudient Messages
Your Own Voice
Many clairaudient messages come into your head, and you have your own conversation with yourself. The voice will be your voice and the spirit that is talking to you and guiding you. This is different than inner guidance and this is why you have to develop your gift so that you can know the difference between inner guidance and your clairaudient gifts.
Spiritual Voices
Another type of message comes from your spirit guides or your angels. These can also be messages from loved ones who have passed away. The voices might sound just like they did when they were alive.
Strange Sounds
Some people with this gift will only hear sounds and they might sound like noise or talking or even whispering. You might not be able to discern where the noise is coming from or what it is, and it is likely spiritual noises.
When times are hard, you might get a clairaudient message to warn you of danger. This can be screaming or even ringing. These messages are there to guide you; don’t be scared, but just listen.
Developing Your Clairaudient Gifts
The best way to develop your clairaudient skills is to practice listening. Tune into the sounds around you. Make sure that you hear everything that you can. Go out in nature, listen to all the sounds, and try to see different places. Take time to listen and learn your own breathing sounds. The more often you do this, the better you will be able to listen to the spiritual world.
Take time to ask questions when something comes to your mind. If you hear something, ask your spirit guides to tell you what it means. Focus on your question and send it to the spiritual world, and you will be able to know what it means.
Open Your Throat Chakra
Your throat chakra is the fifth chakra, and it is based on communication and listening. As you balance this chakra and take care of it, you can increase your clairaudient skills. As you practice doing this, you can get stronger. Try using chakra stones, gemstones, or crystals such as Aquamarine, Turquoise, and Blue Tourmaline to help balance your chakras.
One of the best ways to develop any psychic gift that you have is through meditation. This allows you to calm your mind and strengthen your gifts. Try to meditate by listening to music or listening to word meditations. Also, make sure that you take time to do some silent meditation that can help to calm you. Find which meditation works best for you.
Understanding Spiritual Hearing
Spiritual hearing is clairaudience, and it is the ability to pick up sounds beyond the physical world. This comes from the spiritual world in the form of voices, sounds, music, and more. People with spiritual hearing can get insights about their lives or the lives of others. They can communicate with the spiritual world and get answers while connecting with unseen spirits.
Schizophrenia and Clairaudience
There is a big difference between schizophrenia and clairaudience, and the biggest difference is that schizophrenia is disruptive and hurtful. This is considered a mental health disorder and can be distressing and can cause hallucinations. When you look at clairaudience, these things don’t come with that, and the person will only get auditory messages. Both of these things involve hearing, but clairaudience is something that is helpful and useful and it isn’t chaotic or harmful like schizophrenia is.
Hearing Whispering
If you are someone who hears whispers, then chances are that you have the gift of clairaudience. This can mean that you are aware of the spirit world around you and the sounds that come with it. Psychological and environmental factors can play a role in you hearing things like whispering, but this is normally followed by stress and anxiety that clairaudience doesn’t have.
Clairaudient Abilities
People that are clairaudient are able to hear things. These are usually auditory messages that come from the spiritual world. These people are sometimes able to communicate with the spiritual world through hearing and through their intuition.
Clairaudience and Mental Disorders
Clairaudience and mental disorders are two different things, and you need to make sure that you distinguish between the two. If you are clairaudient, you will be able to control the messages and the noise that comes. If you are confused and anxious about hearing things, you should talk to a professional.
Clairaudient Psychics
There are many clairaudient psychics that you can speak with. Look on websites like PsychicOz to find a skilled clairaudient psychic.
Clairaudient Psychic Gift
Clairaudience is a psychic gift that uses intuition. It is one of the clair gifts that allow the person to hear messages from the spiritual world. This gift can be developed by practicing and listening.
Are You Clairaudient?
Pay attention to the sounds and the noises that you hear. If you are very sensitive, chances are that you might get messages that can help guide others. Maybe you hear random sounds, or you hear people walking or children playing. This can be a sign that you are gifted with clairaudience. Being clairaudient can be a great gift, but it can also be hard to deal with sometimes. If you are scared of hearing things or hearing voices, you might get nervous when this happens. If you are worried about your clairaudient gifts or if you are hearing things that sound evil or destructive to your life, talk to a professional and play it safe. If it doesn’t feel good, talk to a health professional.
Final Thoughts
Spirit guides and angels will normally only give messages of hope and love. People who get these messages are able to help others and want to develop their gifts even more. So, if you have the gift of clairaudience and you love it, keep working towards developing the gift and see how your life can change as you get messages from the universe.